Farmers Creek Works Nearing Completion 

A major program of shared walking and cycling pathway construction, environmental and other works that have been happening over the past 12 months along Farmers Creek is nearing completion. 

The community would have witnessed the transformation of the Farmers Creek corridor over recent months thanks to an accelerated program of works by Lithgow City Council with a $1million grant under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (BLERF) plus additional funds from Lithgow City Council.  

Approximately 2,500 metres of new shared pathway have been constructed over the past year which together with existing sections of pathway now means that the community can walk, run, cycle from Lake Pillans Wetlands to near Chivers Close Lithgow, a distance of nearly 6 kilometres. 

Constructed sections of new pathway include: 

  • Lithgow Blast Furnace via Eskbank House Museum to Farmers Creek at Tank Street. This section and the following section creates a loop that connects Farmers Creek, Lake Pillans, Blast Furnace and Eskbank House Museum. 
  • Saywell Park to Lake Pillans where it connects to the Lake Pillans boardwalk loop and shared pathway from Blast Furnace to Inch Street. 
  • Glanmire Oval under the Sandford Avenue Road bridge to the Marjorie Jackson field clubhouse. This short section will facilitate access for sporting participants and spectators to the Marjorie Jackson playing fields. 
  • The upgrade of sections of existing asphalt pathway along Farmers Creek near Sandford Avenue and its extension past the Montague Street dog off-leash park to Tank Street. 
  • Geordie Street causeway along the STP access road to Chivers Close. This section allows access to Farmers Creek for residents of Chivers Close and nearby streets. 

Wherever possible the pathways were constructed to the 2.5m wide shared path standard. Landscaping and street furniture have also been installed at locations along the creek. 

An accelerated program of vegetation management was also undertaken with four specialist bush regeneration companies engaged by Council to work in different sections of Farmers Creek, State Mine Creek and Vale of Clywdd Creek. Works included weed control, small scale revegetation works, creekline and wetland restoration of disturbed and weed-infested areas, post bushfire recovery works, bush regeneration and biodiversity and habitat conservation work.

Mayor Maree Statham said…

“I think this project has been fantastic for Lithgow,” said the Mayor Maree Statham. “It is obvious by the number of people using the pathway that the community has embraced Farmers Creek. This has to be a great thing for the health of our community”

Further works are planned in coming months including an alternative crossing over Farmers Creek near Burton Street and a new bridge crossing over Farmers Creek near Chivers Close. 

“These works have been made possible by a $1 million grant under the Commonwealth and State funded Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (BLERF) which aims to support the recovery of bushfire impacted communities,” continued the Mayor. “This grant has supported the local economy with around 80% of the total expenditure being made in the Lithgow area. This is expenditure that supports local jobs, contractors and suppliers.”

“I especially want to thank our local members of Parliament Andrew Gee and Paul Toole for their help in securing the funding for this project and in their ongoing support to this community.” 

Deputy Premier and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said “the project has built on plans to make Farmers Creek a green corridor of publicly accessible land.”

“This funding will help to deliver on the vision for a vibrant green space at Farmers Creek that can be enjoyed by the local community and those visiting to take in the sights of the surrounding area,” Mr Toole said. 

“When complete, our community will enjoy the network of pathways that provide a scenic playspace to get some exercise, whether it’s by bike or walking, serving to benefit locals’ health and wellbeing.”

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