Beehive is Back!

Great news! Beehive is returning!! After such a long absence, Beehive classes will resume for Mid Term 2 on Tuesday, 7th June.

This term will only consist of four weeks and no fee will be charged.

Registration Day is Tuesday, 31st May.

It is important for us to know the numbers for our groups, so please come along and sign up.

Also on Registration Day we will be hosting the BIGGEST Morning Tea and Book Sale.

If you are able to bake something to contribute to our morning tea, please let the office know on 6351 3134.

There are varied classes to interest everyone.

Auction Bridge is played Tuesday at 9am. It is a friendly group and always welcomes new players, new to the game or old hands.

Dreaming of travelling to Europe? Italian, French and German classes are held Tuesday afternoons.

A self help art group is Wednesdays, 10.00 – 2pm, and would love to have new people join them.

Thursday’s art includes some theory and art tuition. You are welcome to attend both days and learn from each other.

UFO’s is an informal craft group Tuesday afternoons where one can finish off those projects that have been in cupboards for ages.

The term will also have special guest speakers and we look forward to welcoming you all soon.

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