In Conversation panel with While the World Waits artists and musicians

The While the World Waits exhibition of contemporary art by Central West NSW artists opened at Gang Gang Gallery in Lithgow on the June long weekend. As part of the exhibition’s three week run an ‘In Conversation’ panel with artists and musicians will be held at the gallery on Thursday 23 June from 5.30pm – 7pm.

The Arts OutWest curated exhibition showcases some of the region’s most exciting visual artists. The 19 artists responded to original songs from the album While the World Waits, recorded by 15 Central West songwriters, all reflecting their experiences of 2020.

The ticketed ‘In Conversation’ panel event on Thursday 23 June will feature two of the artists from the exhibition, Bridget Thomas and Gemma Clipsham in conversation with the curator and artist Steven Cavanagh, Arts Outwest music industry support officer Patrick Coomey and musician and album producer Kris Schubert. Kris Schubert will also play music at the event.

Tickets for the ‘In Conversation’ event are $15 and includes finger food, wine and a copy of the While the World Waits album (on CD). Tickets via Gang Gang Gallery

The exhibition itself showcases work from across all mediums. You will see painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, moving image, animation, photography, glass and textiles.

Artists featured in the exhibition are: Bridget Thomas (Bathurst), Cate McCarthy (Yetholme), Gemma Clipsham (Bathurst), Gus Armstrong (Rylstone), Harrie Fasher (Portland), Heather Dunn (Bathurst), Heather Vallance (Orange), Helen Carpenter (Grenfell), Hugh McKinnon (orange), Jane Tonks (Orange), Laura Baker (Blayney), Lise Edwards (Lithgow), Henry Simmons and the River Yarners (Bathurst), Robert Hirschmann (Portland), Shani Nottingham (Cowra), Stephan de Wit (Parkes), Timothy Seager (Bathurst), Aleshia Lonsdale (Mudgee), Steven Cavanagh (Hill End), Christine McMillan (Kandos).

The exhibition is open Thursdays to Sundays at Gang Gang Gallery until June 26 before moving to Mudgee Arts Precinct on July 1. The exhibition has already shown in Bathurst and Grenfell and moves to other venues across Blayney, Cabonne, Forbes, Lachlan, Lithgow, Oberon, Orange, Parkes and Lachlan LGAs over the next 12 months.

Contact the gallery on or 0408 514 440.

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