Supporting Local Community Projects


Local organizations across the Bathurst Electorate can now apply for funding to support local community projects under the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program.

There is $12.5 million available in 2021/22 for new or upgraded facilities across sport and recreation, arts and culture, disaster readiness and community infrastructure.

This is an opportunity for local organizations to apply for funding for projects which will provide long-term benefits to the community. Projects funded may include new or upgraded sports grounds, museums, theatres, homeless shelters and evacuation centers.

Infrastructure Grants are made possible through the NSW Government’s Clubgrants Category 3 Fund, which reinvests a contribution from the State’s registered clubs gaming machine profits back into community projects.

The program is about connecting the community, encouraging participation in sport, recreation and arts and boosting social inclusion and disaster resilience.

Infrastructure Grants can be used toward the costs of construction, alteration, renovation, completion and fit-out of buildings and community infrastructure in the following categories: 

  • Arts & Culture: $50,000 to $200,000 available per project
  • Community Infrastructure: $10,000 to $200,000 available per project
  • Disaster Readiness: $10,000 to $200,000 available per project
  • Sport & Recreation: $50,000 to $300,000 available per project

Applications are now open and close on Monday 22 November.  


NSW motorists are set to benefit from cheaper CTP Green Slip prices by on average $19 per annum in 2022 as the Government’s reform of the insurance industry continues to take effect.

We are committed to helping families and driving down costs with the reform slashing almost $91 million in excess insurance fees for NSW motorists.

It’s a common complaint that bills only ever go up, but in this case we have managed to drive the cost of premiums lower and that means money stays in your bank account.

As we continue our economic recovery from COVID-19 every dollar people save counts and this reflects our focus on helping families.

From a state-wide average high of $635 in 2016, the Government’s reforms will have delivered a 27 per cent reduction in premiums by early 2022.

As the price of Green Slips vary by vehicle type and region, the savings will be applied as a 35 per cent reduction in levies that form part of the price, so that the savings can be shared fairly among motorists.

Motorists can expect cheaper Green Slips from 15 January 2022.

CLUBGRANTS: Deputy Premier and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole: “There is $12.5 million available in 2021/22 for new or upgraded facilities across sport and recreation, arts and culture, disaster readiness and community infrastructure”.  

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