Dirty Washing

Bob Green and Adrian Symes are coming out of lockdown with a stunning new exhibition. Called “Dirty Washing” the pair of eccentric artists are putting their own spin on lockdown blues and past misdemeanours. The Coronation Hotel in Portland will host the event on Saturday November 27 from 6-10pm.

Not for the faint hearted, the myriad of drawings, paintings and installations might shock at first but preconceptions should be hung out to dry and the truth comes out in the wash. By exhibiting more confronting work, Adrian and Bob are hanging out their dirty washing for everyone to see.

“People think they have us pegged, but we’ve come full cycle and now we’re coming clean” Adrian said. “We’re putting everything on the line”

Following on from their infamous “Dangerzone” exhibition in May this year, the event will include live music and theatrics. A fine wine and dining experience will complete the evening but booking for dinner is essential and accommodation is available.

Please visit www.thecoroportland.com for bookings and more information.

Artist Statements

These images are an insight into intimacy. I confess my love of drawing. Scribbling on these large sheets helped me through Lockdown. I referenced images from a selection of art books and these homages populate these works.

Adrian Symes
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