Lithgow Halloween 2021

Whilst the Lithgow Halloween street carnival has been cancelled for 2021, Lithgow Halloween Digital 2021 returns with the online Best Dressed competition and the popular Lithgow Halloween Smartphone Film Competition.

There were an incredible 357 entries to the Smartphone film competition and voting is now open for the chosen finalists.

Watch the films and vote at

There is still time to enter the Best Dressed Photo competition with over $4500 in prizes to be won. Entries close midnight 30 October.

Visit the website for details

Front page image by Brigitte Grant from Lithgow Halloween 2019.


Celebrating Halloween this year?

Here are some great ideas to Trick or Treat in a COVID safe way

• Hang individually wrapped lollies and chocolates on your fence or gate, or pop them on a tray outside your house

• Organise a treasure hunt outside to avoid people coming to your house

• Get creative and build a “lolly chute” so you can stay 1.5 metres apart from trick-or-treaters.

• Clearly mark your house with decorations or balloons if you want to take part in the fun. Many people are posting maps for the neighborhoods on Facebook.

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